Professional image processing tool
SILKYPIX PRO is able to assist photographers in being able to manage all sorts of challenges that they may encounter with digital RAW photography.
Probably one of the most requested features for the new versions of SILKYPIX are the demand for speed improvements. You spoke, and we listened. SILKYPIX now achieves much faster results with regards to RAW developing, as well as the workflow of the software.
Multi-Cpu support:
Now it's possible to utilize your machine's CPU's to their fullest extent. You'll enjoy all your processed RAW photos in no time.
Tired of waiting for your photos to be done batch processing? With Silkypix PRO, waiting for your photos is a thing of the past. Now you may continue to make edits as your photos are being processed in the background.
Spot Removal:
On occasion, your camera's sensor may pick up unwanted dust particles. With this intelligent tool, you have the power to make your RAW images spot free.
Automatic Dodging Utility:
The software is able to automatically detect the dark and bright areas of the image and make accurate adjustments to them with this tool. Is is like the software has a human like perception to eliminate blown out areas where the camera might have overexposed something.
Dynamic Range adjustment:
Every professional requires this. RAW data is amazing because it is so easy to manipulate with the proper tools. In Silkypix, the Dynamic Range Adjustment slider allows highlight information to be compressed to allow certain elements in the photo to shine through.
Control the Highlights - Let the RGB components shine through as you saw them while taking the picture. Don't let outside light sources alter your photos integrity. With improved highlight control, you will see a vast amount of detail and better color saturation.
Probably one of the most requested features for the new versions of SILKYPIX are the demand for speed improvements. You spoke, and we listened. SILKYPIX now achieves much faster results with regards to RAW developing, as well as the workflow of the software.
Multi-Cpu support:
Now it's possible to utilize your machine's CPU's to their fullest extent. You'll enjoy all your processed RAW photos in no time.
Tired of waiting for your photos to be done batch processing? With Silkypix PRO, waiting for your photos is a thing of the past. Now you may continue to make edits as your photos are being processed in the background.
Spot Removal:
On occasion, your camera's sensor may pick up unwanted dust particles. With this intelligent tool, you have the power to make your RAW images spot free.
Automatic Dodging Utility:
The software is able to automatically detect the dark and bright areas of the image and make accurate adjustments to them with this tool. Is is like the software has a human like perception to eliminate blown out areas where the camera might have overexposed something.
Dynamic Range adjustment:
Every professional requires this. RAW data is amazing because it is so easy to manipulate with the proper tools. In Silkypix, the Dynamic Range Adjustment slider allows highlight information to be compressed to allow certain elements in the photo to shine through.
Control the Highlights - Let the RGB components shine through as you saw them while taking the picture. Don't let outside light sources alter your photos integrity. With improved highlight control, you will see a vast amount of detail and better color saturation.
Here are some key features of "SILKYPIX PRO":
· Spot Removal Tool
· Automatic Dodging
· Watermark Feature
· JPEG/TIFF Corresponding Color Space
· Improved Cropping Control Panel
· Editing of IPTC Properties
· History Management
· Printer Profiles and Options
· Improved Batch Processing
· Multi-CPU Support
· Improved Shortcut Keys
· Spot Removal Tool
· Automatic Dodging
· Watermark Feature
· JPEG/TIFF Corresponding Color Space
· Improved Cropping Control Panel
· Editing of IPTC Properties
· History Management
· Printer Profiles and Options
· Improved Batch Processing
· Multi-CPU Support
· Improved Shortcut Keys
· 30 days trial
· 30 days trial
What's New in This Release:
· Support for the following cameras has been added : Nikon 1 J3 / Nikon 1 S1
· Support for the following cameras has been added : Nikon 1 J3 / Nikon 1 S1