Recoves lost wireless passwords.
SterJo Wireless Passwords is a handy and reliable application designed to help users to retrieve forgotten wireless passwords.
SterJo Wireless Passwords will display all the saved passwords which can be used to connect to other wireless devices without being afraid of forgetting them in the future.
SterJo Wireless Passwords will display all the saved passwords which can be used to connect to other wireless devices without being afraid of forgetting them in the future.
What's New in This Release:
· Windows XP support!
· Windows XP support!
Users are advised to pay attention while installing this ad-supported application:
· Offers to change the homepage for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to download or install software or components (such as browser toolbars) that the program does not require to fully function
· Offers to change the homepage for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to change the default search engine for web browsers installed in the system
· Offers to download or install software or components (such as browser toolbars) that the program does not require to fully function