A useful application that was especially designed to provide an advanced web security tester for carrying out vulnerability assessments for any webpage

JSky is a small, simple, easy to use application specially designed to offer you a website security testing tool that automates vulnerability assessments. It scan all Web application vulnerabilities including SQL-Injection and Cross-Site Scripting.

NOSEC JSky is specifically designed to assess potential security flaws and to provide all the information you need to fix them.

JSky delivers the latest evolution in assessment technology, a Web application security product that adapts to any enterprise environment.

Internet Envirionment:
The value of the corporate assets that are accessible through Web applications is growing every day. Unfortunately, so is the threat of damage and loss due to hacking.

Hackers have:
· Plant malware on website homepage
· Compromised valuable corporate brands
· Gained access to mission critical and highly sensitive information thought to be far out of reach of the application user
· Stolen goods from eCommerce companies.

These are just a sample of the kinds of threats businesses face every day they are open for business online.

Here are some benifits this tool offers:
· With NOSEC JSky, you can identify vulnerabilities in your Web site before the hackers do.
· Using NOSEC JSky throughout the application life cycle standardizes security auditing tests and schedules.
· It also lowers the total cost-of-ownership, as NOSEC JSky notifies you of possible vulnerabilities before they become actual security risks.
· Early detection and resolution of Web application vulnerabilities decreases the risk of attack and saves valuable time and resources.
Here are some key features of "JSky":
  • Fast web application vulnerability test save you lots of time.
  • Penetration testing module inside to show you what may happens if hackers exploit the vulnerability.
  • Show you only most emergency information you need to fixed.
  • Minimum CPU 1500MHZ
  • Memory 512M
  • 15-day trial
What's New in This Release: 
  • Revise SQL Injection(Blind) Engine
  • Allows you to easily rescan from an open or selected scan into the scan wizard
  • Enhance SQL Injection and XSS detection
  • Support scan flash javascript URL
Program Information
 Developer: NOSEC Technologies Co., Ltd
Price and Added Date
Trial / $ N/A.27-03-2014
Download Links

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