Powerful software that brings circuitry to life by reading Gerber file data from CAD/CAM files and transforming it into a 3D image, while offering support for an Autopilot feature

ZofzPCB can help you design your own circuit board, then analyze its layout by exploring it in 3D.

Check your PCB from another perspective. ZofzPCB 3D Gerber Viewer shows your PCB in FlyBy Cam. Detects and colorizes nets, displays layer stackup in third dimension.

It allows to construct and edit stack of layers, visualizes PCB in 3 dimensions, allows to rotate and move the virtual camera. Dynamic camera motion creates illusion of flying around your design.
  • DirectX 9 or later
  • Pentium 4 - SSE2
  • Scroll wheel Mouse
  • Gaming level graphic hardware recommended: Nvidia GT 430 or Radeon HD 6670
  • Medium-sized PCB's: AMD Fusion (4x multisampling)
  • Small-sized PCB's: GMA 3150 (low fps, no multisampling)
What's New in This Release: 
  • Reading IPC356 Netlist file:
  • Browsing components, pins and nets
  • Identification of component, pins and nets pointed by cursor
  • Compare Gerber files to the Netlist
  • Display of pads/pins
  • Thick 3D image of layers volume

Program Information
 Developer: Rafal Powierski
Price and Added Date
Freeware .15-09-2014
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