A familiar web browser carefully adjusted to allow you to safely visit your favorite pages while also keeping your identity hidden
Going online exposes your system to various malicious software that can cause a considerable amount of damage. Having an antivirus installed does not offer full protection, especially if you do not want to be tracked. Luckily, with the help of applications such as Tor Browser Bundle you can safely access your favorite pages without the risk of triggering attacks and protecting your identity.

Go online in a safe environment

The application's main attempt is to put a web browser at your disposal with the help of which you can both enjoy a friendly interface and keep your system safe. All available features come in the form of a custom-made version of Mozilla Firefox, which is not necessarily bad because it lets you quickly accommodate.

A built-in addon for enhanced security

One of the key features in keeping your data safe the integrated HTTPS Everywhere addon, which basically encrypts communication between your computer and various web pages you access. This can easily be configured to allow or restrict access to specific content.

Carefully configure your connection type

Before being able to fully enjoy a safe browsing experience, the application requires you to select connection type. You can opt for a standard connection, which works in most cases, or configure settings in if you computer uses a proxy or goes through a firewall in order to reach the information superhighway.

Most available options are similar to the one you find in Firefox, with a few additions. The Torbutton puts several settings at your disposal, such as the possibility to fully configure connection settings, handle cookie protection, or even choose a new identity for enhanced security.

In conclusion

Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Tor Browser Bundle comes equipped with all necessary tools you need in order to stay safe while online. It can be used by beginners and experts alike, due to the various advanced settings that are not mandatory in order for the application to properly offer its services.

Program Information
 Developer: The Tor Project
Price and Added Date
Freeware .30-08-2015
Download Links

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