An efficient software utility designed to help you generate various patterns for your favorite photos by using various built-in scripts
Pattaizer is an efficient software utility that enables you to generate various types of patterns that can be customized and mixed together. You can use several control parameters to create unique effects and apply them to your image files.

The application supports several image formats, including GIF, ICO, WMF, EMF, JPG, PNG and BMP.

Design unique patterns

While other programs of this kind can solely allow you to work with predefined patterns, Pattaizer offers you the possibility to design your own patterns.

To create a pattern, you can use some basic patterns such as spiral, spheres, hexagons, Spirograph, Kaleidoscope, tube or pinch, as well as a free drawing pattern that allows you to generate your own motif.

The Deform Control option puts at your disposal several buttons and sliders, which can be used to create a personalized pattern. Further options provide you with the means to refine and apply additional effects to patterns according to your needs.

Create your own video footage

Not only does Pattaizer generate patterns, but it can generate videos as well. All you need to do is to load a script file, usually written as a text file, and for each parameter interpolated values are generated and saved individually as image files. When the process is over, the video file is ready to be watched.

Built-in controls offer you the means to change the video codec and the file's output size depending on your display screen resolution. In addition to this, you can preview the video footage using the application's default video player and pause or resume frames to see how they modify the image.

Reliable pattern generator

Pattaizer provides you with a different alternative to create one-of-a-kind pattern mosaic effects from various image files. It proves to be very easy to use by any level user due to it's intuitive interface and it is compatible with other image editing applications, such as Photoshop and Mosaizer Pro.

Program Information
 Developer: APP Helmond
Price and Added Date
Freeware .05-01-2015
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