A complex yet very easy to understand application functioning as a graphic editor that enables you to adjust the look of your favorite pictures
Autodesk Pixlr is a fun and quite user-friendly software solution designed to provide you with a simple method of altering the look and feel of your favorite photos, helping you to enhance certain aspects in your images and diminish others.
Straightforward and appealing user interface
Following the brief and uneventful setup of the program, you can launch it and get started right away, as its ease of use and simplicity enables even the least experienced individuals to use it without too much trouble, from the first run.
The main window of Autodesk Pixlr allows you to load the photo you wish to process, supporting JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, GIF and PSD format files, so you can work with them regardless of their formats.
Effortlessly edit your pictures using numerous effects, filters and styles
The utility includes several different categories of editing functions and tools, grouped into ‘Fast’, ‘Refine’, ‘Effect’, ‘Overlay’, ‘Border’, ‘Stylize’, ‘Stickers’ and ‘Type’, each one comprising multiple elements for you to choose.
From the ‘Fast’ submenu, you can crop or straighten your photos, as well as resize or autofix them. Similarly, you can heal or remove red eyes from the image, adjust the focal point or apply a splash of color. The ‘Refine’ section allows you to alter the color, contrast or blur level, even sharpen or smooth its appearance, or use double exposure by loading a secondary file.
The ‘Effects’ include ‘Creative’, ‘Default’, ‘Soft’, ‘Subtle’, ‘Too Old’, ‘Unicolor’ and ‘Vintage’ filters, while the ‘Overlay’ section provides you with numerous visual elements you can apply onto your pictures. Also, you can use ‘Borders’ or ‘Stylize’ the images in ‘Pencil’, ‘Dapple’, ‘Sketch’, ‘Poster’, ‘Cross’ or ‘Watercolor’.
In the ‘Stickers’ section, you can find a wide array of items to add to your images in order to make them more amusing, while using the ‘Type’ function enables you to write on them or apply a watermark. When complete, your pictures can be exported to JPG, TIF or BMP format.
An accessible photo editor
In conclusion, Autodesk Pixlr is an interesting and efficient application that can successfully satisfy your less demanding picture editing needs, sparing you from having to learn how to use complex and often heavy programs, by providing you with quick and easy results.