Improve your writing style, correct your spelling errors and other grammatical issues with the help of this streamlined app that has a strong proofreading service behind it
If you happen to write lots of official documents, then you can surely understand the importance of proofreading. Moreover, you might also be familiar with a few online services of this sort, one of which is Grammarly.
In a few words, Grammarly is a web-based service that helps you improve the quality of your writing by identifying and correcting mistakes related to spelling, vocabulary and even sentence structure.
Precedently, you could take advantage of what Grammarly had to offer either via a web-based app or by relying on its add-ons that integrate with the most common browsers out there. Now, there is an even better way (for some users): with the help of the Grammarly Windows app, you can improve your writing directly from the desktop.
Smooth installation and quick log-in process
The app features a seamless and fully automated installation process that does not require any kind of effort on your part. Once it has completed, you are met by Grammarly's main window and the same interface as the web-app.
As expected, to be able to use Grammarly, you need to make sure that you have a valid account. From here onwards, it is business as usual and, once logged in, you can start browsing your documents from the cloud or your can add new ones with no more than a few clicks.
Correct writing mistakes with the help of this stable app
Start writing texts and you should notice how Grammarly scans everything in real time and points out mistakes, all while offering pertinent suggestions for spelling, punctuation and vocabulary errors. It also goes as far as suggesting better sentence structure, alongside the explanation for doing so.
In addition, you also get other advanced correction tools with self-explanatory names such as Speciality Checking, Plagiarism, Vocabulary Enhancement and Professional Proofreading. Considering, of course, that you choose one of the paid monthly, quarterly or annual subscription plans.
As far as workflow is concerned, worth-mentioning is the fact that you can now drag and drop the documents you need to proofread directly onto Grammarly's window.
Grammarly, out of your browser and onto your computer's desktop
All in all, Grammarly is a service that most certainly has a lot to offer for users who want an active safety net for their writing (just as long they stay away from overly-complicated phrases or expressions).
Now, with the help of its official Windows application, it provides a more stable and a more accessible working environment, without compromising any of its useful features