Keep a close eye on financial information, such as assets, income, expenses, and liquidity by creating a complete database with the transactions of your company

Manager is an advanced software utility designed to help you monitor transactions within your company and keep track of assets, liabilities, expenses, income, equity and other aspects. It features several powerful options and customization preferences wrapped in an intuitive and interactive working environment.

Interactive and intuitive interface

After a rapid and uneventful installation operation, you are greeted by a large window with a few buttons, inviting you to get started by creating a business with a personalized name.

You can add new journal entries with important notes by assigning accounts and dates, along with bank accounts to keep a close eye on receivable accounts, income, expenses, cash at bank, sales invoices, and customers.

Create, monitor and review financial data

Information can be backed up to file in case of unexpected data loss or accidental deletion. What's more, you can use a search function to browse the database, analyze the financial strengths, liquidity, solvency and network in a balance sheet, review business performance, sales, profit margins and expenses for a specific period in a profit and loss statement, and more.

Evaluation and conclusion

We have not encountered any unpleasant surprises in our tests as far as stability is concerned, thanks to the fact that Manager did not hang, crash or pop up error messages. Its impact on the overall performance is minimal, as it uses low CPU and RAM.

To conclude, Manager proves to be a reliable desktop assistant for monitoring the financial details of a company, and it should meet the requirements of a lot of users. There's also a cloud edition available for those looking for multi-user access features.

Program Information
 Developer: NGSoftware Pty Ltd
Price and Added Date
Download Links

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