Completely restrict access to confidential folders and take advantage of a lot more tools offered by this lightweight, yet powerful application
When multiple users work on a single computer it is important to take some security measures in order to keep personal or important file safe. Amongst other specialized applications you can use to accomplish this task, a practical solution is Secure Folder which offers a handful of tools to make security as easy as can get.
Lightweight and easy to use
The application stores all of its features in a pretty compact and simple interface. Your computer won't even feel it is running due to the low amount of resources it requires to provide its services. Even though it's incredibly easy to use overall, you must take your time and get acquainted with its features due to the lack of an integrated help manual.
Lock, hide and encrypt important folders
As the name suggests, the main function is to secure the content of any folder in order to prevent unauthorized access. There are three options that can be applied, locking, hiding and encrypting. Adding a folder is only possible through the dedicated function due to the lack of drag and drop support.
Unfortunately, advanced users might still be able to access locked folders, if not encrypted and hidden, by managing settings offered by the security tab that Windows provides.
Various security tools to work with
The application's name is pretty modest, because under the Tools menu there is an abundance of helpful utilities. Application Blocker, Drive Manager, Screen Capture are only a few of the hidden treasures.
Furthermore, you can even restrict writing privileges for a connected USB storage device, manage startup items in order to add or remove applications, copy, move or delete multiple files at a time, or even have your computer scanned for errors and attempt to fix them.
One of the biggest disadvantages is that only one tool can be active at a time and there is no implemented support for hotkeys so that you can easily launch the desired utility.
To end with
Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Secure Folder is a handy package that contains a large number of useful security tools. Each one comes with info so you easily get accommodated, and even though it's not the best out there, it is still worth at least a try, getting the job properly done.