An easy-to-use, powerful, WYSIWYG interactive image building tool that allows you to easily create interactive images and upload them to your website
iiCreator is an application that is designed to transform simple diagrams, floor plans and maps into interactive projects which can serve a wide range of purposes. It enables you to annotate documents or images in a way that is easy to understand and follow.
User-friendly interface
For an application that does something which is not really common, it displays an interface that is quick to understand and use by just about anyone. In its main window you can recognize layouts and tools which resemble those from graphic editors and CAD applications, the practical kind.
iiCreator provides basic drawing tools for labels, polygons, rectangles, curves, and circles, it enables you to create legends and insert predefined or self made markers. Each one of these elements can be customized to a certain extent, manipulated and linked to each other.
Each object can be found in category specific lists, accessed with one click and edited. That’s one of the great things about iiCreator, once you get used to it and develop a work style, you can build an interactive project in matter of minutes.
Annotate using both text and video
iiCreator allows you to create maps, blueprints and layouts over which you can hover your mouse and view pop-ups with details about what they are or contain. It’s a really handy piece of software that you can use to present a house layout while also being able to link markers to images and videos that can display additional details.
Moreover, you are able to hyperlink text to online websites that can offer more information on a subject or even animate paths using simple rollover effects. With iiCreator it’s possible to automatically generate legends for maps, and share your projects using a FTP service or code.
To sum things up, iiCreator is easy to use and supplies the means to create interactive projects which can be quickly put together and uploaded to a host of your choice.