Straightforward, intuitive and free application for setting up automation, hotkeys and scripting configurations, ideal for all users
AutoHotkey is an open-source scripting language that enables you to configure keyboard, joystick and mouse controls in a user-friendly environment.
Users can carry out the installer in express or custom mode. The latter option lets you select the AutoHotkey version between Unicode 32-bit, Unicode 64-bit and ANSI 32-bit. Plus, you can install a script compiler, enable drag-and-drop support, and create separate taskbar buttons (for each script with visible windows).
At initialization, the program creates an icon in the system tray area, where you can access its options, edit, reload and pause scripts, as well as suspend hotkeys.
Learning the scripting language provided by AutoHotkey is pretty easy, since it is intuitive and the app comes with an extensive help documentation, along with a sample.
In the primary panel you can view the most recently executed lines, variables and their contents, hotkeys and their methods, along with key history and script information.
AutoHotkey barely uses CPU and memory, so it doesn't slow down system performance or disrupt user activity. It performs smoothly and doesn't cause the operating system to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. Moreover, the app is free. When it comes down to it, AutoHotkey makes automation, scripting and hotkeys configuration look like an easy task.