Enjoy watching videos and music in nearly all available formats, as well as YouTube clips directly from the main window of this intuitive application
Media files, clips and songs come in an abundance of formats. With the available media players racing for greatest compatibility, choosing an application to enjoy movies is now just something related to visual preferences and ease of access. SMPlayer is one such media player, based on the popular MPlayer which is known to play nearly all available formats.
Lightweight and easy to use
When going through the setup process, take caution with each step, because you might end up with a different default search engine, as well as other potentially unwanted software installed. However, all of these offers can easily be declined in order to get just a fresh setup of SMPlayer.
Once the application runs you find no difficulty to accommodate. The interface is cleverly designed to feature both a modern and minimalistic look. Necessary playback options are clearly visible, as well as the volume and progress sliders, with the possibility to enhance the interface with several more elements.
Create and manage playlists
One of them is the playlist manager, which should not be missing from any basic or top of the line media player. It is brought up at the press of a button, floating on your desktop or docked to the main window for a compact overall interface.
The application gives you the possibility to load existing playlists to enjoy in the newly installed media player, as well as having one created from scratch and populated with some of the most commonly used audio and video formats, if not all available.
Enhance your audio and video experience
Since SMPlayer means business, it comes equipped with all it needs to be a respectable media player, as well as a bit more. Several enhancement tools are put at your disposal, such as an equalizer for sound and various video effects.
One of the most useful features when playing a movie, is an integrated subtitle finder which looks up desired items over Internet subtitle databases making sure it does not come back empty-handed. Additionally, you can also watch clips on YouTube without having to bring up a web browser.
In conclusion
Taking everything into consideration, we can say that SMPlayer is a suitable competitor in the race for media formats compatibility. It takes little of your system's resources, thus becoming available to a wide variety of configurations, while the friendly and modern interface gets you instantly up and running.